For the last few years I have been going with a group of friends to scuba dive in the Galapagos Islands situated in the Pacific Ocean, straddling the equator, about 600 miles west of Ecuador. Our group takes a special charter to the 2 northern most islands, Wolf and Darwin, for special underwater encounters that are found nowhere else on the planet. The unique convergence of 5 currents creates an upwelling that provides a rich source of food for many of the seabirds and marine mammals that occur in the Galapagos.
We go for the vast diversity of sea life including Galapagos Sharks, schooling Hammerheads, and the largest fish in the sea the Whale Shark (I’m also looking for birds).
The video in this Gallery is broken into seven parts each file about 10mb or the complete version which is 68mb. This is for people with HIGHSPEED connections. Please do not run the video from this site, right click on the file and choose “save link as” to download and play.
Last changed on 12/05/2011. This album contains 48 items.
This album has been viewed 234569 times since 10/16/2004.